Thursday, December 20, 2012

Merry Christmas but Kids of Tonbridge don't read this.....

This has to be the most amusing, if cruel, story I've read this Christmas. It's the story of the Santa who was recently sacked from Notcutts Garden Centre for telling children that he wasn't real! I kid you not read it here if you don't believe me. On the face of it it seems somewhat inappropriate to tell children this particularly as their parents had just paid £5.99 for the privilege of meeting him but then he was, after all, only telling them the truth. So could he not have a good case at the North Pole industrial tribunal! Can someone be sacked for simply telling the harsh truth? I remember telling my son that there was no tooth fairy when he was about seven years old and he said, rather astutely, "Next you'll be telling me there's no Father Christmas." I managed to keep my job as a dad by staying silent for the next few minutes and the moment and the temptation to tell him was gone. You see kids aren't daft. Though, as my wife always says, they believe in him because they want the eggs. In other words it's in their interest to keep believing in Santa even when the story doesn't quite stack up and that face seems suddenly very familiar!  Anyway a very Merry Christmas to everyone in Tonbridge, with friends and family in Tonbridge or anyone who cares about our town. Whatever you believe in.....


sebfox said...

That article proves nothing. Everyone knows the real Santa simply doesn't have time to visit stores, what with the run up to christmas, he's just too busy. They're all imposters, with chips on their shoulders.
Who eats the mince pies and drinks the glass of sherry then?

Paul Bailey said...

Ho,ho, ho!!

Outraged said...

Outrageous. Not to worry, Easter Eggs are on sale today! Things to look forward to in 2013 that will be feeling the sharp end of the Outrageous pen. The Rose and Crown. The antics of TMBC. The fatt KCC Police. The Water company. KCC and its incompetent leader. Happy new year.