Saturday, March 24, 2012

Tonbridge High Street more spacious without railings....

I've had a week or two to live with it now and I think I prefer the openess of the roads in the centre of Tonbridge that getting rid of the railings has given them. It feels different especially for pedestrians and cyclists (being both I think I can speak for them!) and I can't say you even notice the difference when driving along the High Street. You get an overall feeling of everything being a little cleaner and more spacious. And the bonus is that the council must have made a good turn on all that scrap metal! Only thing is where are they going to hang all the flower baskets in the summer?!


Anonymous said...

Good for pedestrians as they can now dash across the road even if they are near a controlled crossing rather than on it and the lights are just changing.

Angelibc said...

Let's hope toddlers don't follow suit - parent's, please keep a firm hold of your young one's as we don;t want any tragedies at crossings.