Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Sainsbury unlikely to change minds on Tonbridge....

Here's a pic of Sainsbury's in case you didn't know what it looks like!
Here's a link to a piece in today's Telegraph financial pages which goes a long way to explaining why the company pulled the plug on its planned new store and leisure complex for Tonbridge. The company have just announced that it lost over £250m in the year to date. In the light of all this Tonbridgeblog suggests that it is highly, highly unlikely that the retailer will have a change of heart on their store opening in our town. But was Tonbridge unlucky? Or did we perhaps have a lucky escape from the clutches of the evil Lord Sainsbury?!..


Anonymous said...

Did TMBC not realize that retail habits were changing when they went along with the proposed Sainsbury's scheme? TMBC planners must keep up with retail trends and now produce revised plan for the town centre. The two things that seduced the planners were the free new leisure centre and the cinema. At the time TMBC said that the Angel leisure entre was not fit for purpose sp what are they doing bout it? Maybe they should talk to the retails owners of the vacant Vale road site to see if a supermrket/leiure centre/cinema complex could be put there?

Anonymous said...

Mr Books you may be interested in the views of a Ramsgate bookseller on why his trade has increased in the last year trends in retailing