Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Moaning versus nice comments on TonbridgeBlog....

One recent comment hit the nail on the head when they said that it's much easier to write negative things than positive. I have had a go at many things over the three or four years that this blog has been running. I hope though that it's never been done gratuitously but rather with good reason. You see it's also easy to write positive things about the flowers and the few lovely Spring like days we are having or about the lovely snowy days we had sledging and larking about throwing snow balls at our children and friends. Why does no one remember those posts? I guess because ultimately they are just nice comments on the world around us and, just like the national news, become the "And finally" type stories. What people really want to see is a place to vent their frustrations and sense of injustice about the inertia in local government, the miss-spending of our money, corruptness of politicians, cases of traffic wardens' officiousness, and yes shops which give a bad service. This is clearly shown by the number of comments, demonstrating that people are moved enough to put finger to keyboard, against moaning-type stories versus the positive stories or nice photos. As a blogger I guess I'm influenced by what people seem to like reading and commenting about. If anything I try not to be too much so but it's a tricky road to walk along. I'll continue to write some nice positive stories and commnets but on the other hand, as I've said before, I'll only stop moaning when there's nothing left to moan about....


Sunny_Tonny said...

I don't really mind whether blog posts are positive or not, it's the fact that they're about local issues which interests me.
I do wish people wouldn't always post their comments under "Anonymous" though....we're not asking for a name and address or anything, it's just a bit boring and confusing having a screen full of anons.

Anonymous said...


Local papers and the BBC, public information providers. They are there to provide the public with information. Has someone forgotten to tell them?
Its ok the BBC saying we are here to provide the public with information, but it kinda does'nt work when some person is sat in an office deciding what information the public shall be provided with.

Paul Bailey said...

Agree with Sunny_Tonny. Why post anonymously.Have the courage of your convictions and speak out. At the very least use a pseudonym or nomme de plume (think that's right?).

"Anonymous Bob^, I agree with what you are saying, as I've often wondered just who decides what is news-worthy and what isn't? Perhaps Tonbridge Blogger could enlighten us on this one, given his journalistic past?

Hallum said...

I am not sure about only giving people stories to moan about. We already have some large circulation 'daily hate' papers that do that very well. Good reporting and commentationg should both educate and lift the readers thoughts above their base instincts.

Anonymous said...

Its not good news if you are one of the 240 people that work at the GlaxoSmithKline research and development site at Leigh which they are planning to close. There is a long history to this Powder Mills site.

Anonymous said...


if only we had journalists in Kent as brave as this, then people wouldnt fear persecution for trying to enlighten the flock