Has Mr. Books finally completely lost it? Is it him being bundled into the back of a riot squad Police van? Many of you, no doubt, would like to think so wouldn't you! No in fact the story as far as can be told with scant information is this: Friday night and all was quiet when I shut up shop for the night around 5pm, (honest guv.) The World Cup was getting into full swing and there was not a hint of any trouble just an average evening in the middle of June. When suddenly.... I wasn't around to witness any of it, in fact I only heard about it this morning but, luckily, a keen amateur snapper and fan of TonbridgeBlog was on hand to bring us a couple of decent pictures of the, let's just say, altercation right outside Mr. Books Bookshop around 6pm. Apparently some travellers had been in trouble with the boys in blue for illegally setting up camp in a field near Barden Lake by cutting a gap in the hedge. How one of them ended up being chased all the way to Bank Street in the centre of town is a mystery but apparently this young thick set fellow wasn't at all pleased and wasn't initially prepared to cooperate fully (or in fact at all) in getting into the van. By all accounts it took several burly coppers to eventually bundle him in. An ugly scene for our fair town to witness I think you'll all agree. Some people have even said that the characters of the childrens' books in Mr. Books window display were covering their faces in sheer terror! Let's see if we can gather some more reliable information. Anyone care to fill in the details....
I heard it was a new tough parking initiative for Tonbridge. This is what you get for parking 10 minutes too long!
you do lead such an exiciting life do you mr books lol!!!!!!!
...or perhaps you have been caught reading "Lady Chatterley's Lover". It is still banned isn't it?
Just thought I’d update you about the pictures you’ve got on the blog of someone being arrested last Friday evening.
It probably didn’t look very nice to anyone watching the arrest but no-one was hurt. The officers were dealing with a teenager who’d had a lot to drink and was threatening to harm himself. He didn’t want to be arrested which made it difficult for the officers but the most important thing was to get him into custody where we could make sure he was properly looked after.
Definitely not a new parking enforcement scheme (!) or anything to do with a camp near Barden Lake.
Inspector Adrian Allen
Tonbridge and Malling Neighbourhood Policing Team
The only real crime in Bank street is the price of the Books in that old second hand shop!!!
Thanks to the Inspector for setting the record straight. It's amazing how, when a few gypsies move in somewhere, they seem to get the blame for everything! Your right Tomahawk Kid that Lady Chatterley's Lover was illegal. But before Inspector Allen comes a knocking on my door with a search warrant it has been legal in it's unexpurgated form since the famous court case of, er hum, 1960....
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