There've been fewer comments of late probably due to the new design, lack of postings on T Blog's part and, moreover, my having adapted the comments admin. settings so that there can be no more anonymous comments. That said you can still comment anonymously by setting up a "handle" or account name which no one need know is you. It's really rather simple and means that there'll be no more posts with masses of comments whose identity is simply "anonymous." Hope that's all clear and fair. If you don't like it you can always comment below using your newly inspired comment id. But not anonymously,
Thanks again
About time! You know, what this town needs, is one of these... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=316AzLYfAzw
Testing testing.... just practising and trying out the new system.
No, we don't need one of those buttons!
Well done, TB, and about time!
Yes I agree with everyone! May we have a comment about the outrageous behaviour of TMBC deciding the perfectly sound Wellingtonia planted to celebrate Queen Victoria's 60 years on the throne should be coped down! Thank you.
I agree it's outrageous, Outraged. The tree in question is a rare redwood variety, and I believe, the tallest tree in Tonbridge. It is also supposedly protected under a Tree Preservation Order. The problem is, a TPO is bestowed by...guess who?
Yes that's right...The Local Planning Authority! This means that a TPO isn't worth the paper it's written on, since, in 2009 Local Planning Authorities were granted permission to lift these preservation orders on a whim.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, on this, but a tree can be perfectly healthy, causing no hazard to anyone or anything and can still be cut down should the LPA decide to lift the TPO.
In this case it's make room for 14 new houses and 6 flats in an already drought stricken area.
I agree Outraged, it is outrageous!
P.S There is another order not much publicised by Local Planning Authorities, it's known as a GMP, or...a Grease My Palm order...
Thanks Sebfox! Your right, there is another too? GAOLEABHAHWSWEYW! Give any old local expert a back hander and he will say want ever you want? TMBC you are a shameful bunch of overpaid and crooked old spongers!
I understand the council employed someone to inspect the tree. The employee found there was some damage to the trunk, but no obvious signs of disease. It was stated that the damage was probably caused naturally, ie animals scratching, etc.
The inspection was irrelevant and purely for the public eye. The inspector already knew what report should be given.
What's the plural of anonymous? anonymouses, anonymie or anonymouses's's?
Thanks. I was wondering about that....
Looks like you've replaced the anonymouse's with a spammer instead!
Spammers beware: I will delete you!
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