Friday, March 15, 2013

Geeky Techno stuff....

If anyone is wondering why Mr. Books web site is down at the moment it isn't because it's going out of business or that we can't afford the fifty quid a year hosting fee. No it's because those clever people at Domain name company, 123 Reg, have put me on a new hosting platform, service, whatsit thingy. It's been very frustrating over the last few weeks sorting this all out, especially since I'm a bit of a technophobe when it comes down to it, but it should all be back up and running within the next 2 days. Fingers crossed. In fact it is kind of Anthony Horowitz's fault in a way. I'm not talking about some sort of Stormbreaker type plot to infect all bookshops online or anything like that. (Younger readers of TBlog, especially fans of the Alex Rider novels, will know what I'm talking about here!) No, nothing like that. And not that I'm complaining either, because it was a wonderful boost for Mr. Books to have him here for a book signing a few weeks back, but, with all the extra traffic his visit generated, the old Mr. Books site was brought crashing down. Visitors to the site were then only able to view a feeble message saying that the site had exceeded its bandwidth. Apparently it was all to do with the old Starter Pro package and Microsoft Frontpage extensions not being compatible with the new platform. I need to now upload via FTP instead or something. It's all Geek to me! Fear not then because normal service will soon be resumed....

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