Saturday, March 16, 2013

Hoorah, the new Mr. Books site is working....

New Mr. Books site now fully functional. You'd be hard pushed to tell the difference from the old one but, technically speaking, it's a whole new ball game using the very latest in web fusion techno stuff and on a different web hosting package to boot, using FTP to upload and nothing to do with Frontpage extensions (whatever that means!) Crucially there's no bandwidth limits which means you'll all be able to look at the site all at the same time, 24/7 until your eyes completely glaze over and you won't ever be able to crash it. That's the theory anyway.  I'll drag myself into the 21st Century yet you'll see!!..

1 comment:

Paul Bailey said...

The new website might be up and running, but the really irritating flashing text is still there. How about fixing that? - it's too much in your face, not very easy on the eyes, ans spoils what is otherwise a well laid out and attractive site.