Thursday, February 9, 2012

A snowy walk in the woods....

I took a long walk in the snow the other day risking life and limb to bring you these pictures. I love it when you're just strolling along and then you see families out sledging making the most of the few short days opportunity for such wintery activities. I was merely an observer as I ambled my down Lamb's Bank, up Vauxhall Lane, over Southborough Common and out through the woods to the Wealdway and along to Bidborough. I must have looked, as my dad used to say, a cut up right, (which is Yorkshire speak for a real odd sight) in my ski sweater, ski hat and carrying an old wooden walking crook. But I was enjoying myself so much I just didn't care. The snow brings out the child in all of us. I scrambled down Bidborough Ridge on the footpath leading to Brook Street and Haysden. It's years since I went all the way down there and it looked fabulously picturesque in all its glistening whiteness....

1 comment:

AirRaidPatrol said...

Some nice photos there, although the first one would be better without the children. As I say, children are best not seen or heard.