The A Board issue has raised it's ugly head once more. For those readers who are turned off by this ongoing saga in Tonbridge then look away now. I've just had a visit from a young man from the Highways Department of KCC. He had a long pony tail and tatoos and looked like he'd have been more at home being a roadie for Guns and Roses but that's by the by. This department are responsible for the roads, which includes, the pavements not, as you may reasonably expect, Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council. And maybe because the Highways Department are so detached from the town and the needs of businesses and shops they can afford to be high handed in this matter. It seems that the problem has been raised in the town and now they are clamping down. Apparently it's okay to have an A Board right outside a shop to say "Look here's my shop!" even though it is right there in front of one. But it's not okay to say "Go a few yards this way and my shop is here!" because to do so would be against their bureacratic, inflexible rules. So, in effect, you have the ludicrous situation whereby its all right to have one if you don't need one; but it's not alright to have an A Board if you do need one! I've already got my "A-Board Aware Scheme" sticker to put in my window but this isn't enough. They probably won't be happy until they've closed retailers and businesses slightly off the beaten track down altogether. The A Board for Mr. Books has been on the wide stretch of pavement on the apex of Bank Street and the High St. for nigh on 7 years now and not once in that time has anyone complained, fallen over it or been offended by it as far as I know. Meanwhile the, arguably unnecessary, boards on the narrow stretches of pavement up and down Tonbridge High Street continue to trip people up and the poor, half-brain dead by now, guy holding a "Hand Car Wash" sign outside the library continues to be allowed! Look at any old photo of Tonbridge High Street and the first thing you'll notice are the boards advertising various products and businesses in the town. I'd go as far as to say that they add a touch of character and are part of the rich fabric of the life of the town. So just lay off will you KCC Highways before there's no shops left at all. Rant over....
Its reasonable that a board is allowed just outside of your shop but its not reasonable that anybody can place a board whereever they like as was the case of the Wharf boards. Shops in the High Street pay high rates for their position and thus footfall and should not have to put up with boards placed by businesses that are not in the High street.
You mention that KCC highways is a bit detached from the town but even more relevent is the fact that one of the two KCC councillors lives miles away. It could explain why street lights take ages to fix and why the safety railings in the town have been removed, no doubt to save on maintenance costs.
Has this council "Jobsworth" served notice on you to move your board, or was he just trying to put the wind up you? Providing the board are not causing an obstruction, and yours quite evidently is NOT, then I fail to see what the problem is.
Look at the state of the pavement right next to it. Remind me what hazzard are we talking about again?
And we have to pay these Oiks wages, outrageous?
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