Friday, May 31, 2013


I'm afraid this is one of only a few words I can think of to describe the low life scum who robbed the Hospices of Hope Charity shop at the north end of Tonbridge High Street last week, as reported in the Courier newspaper in today's issue. This piece of pond life brazenly asked the staff in the shop if he could use the upstairs toilet and then proceded to ransack the office for cash and help himself to the money in the cafe till. He took advantage of the fact that there are quite a few volunteers there and lots of comings and goings. Most probably he had been a work experience "volunteer" there himself at some point and had used it as an opportunity to case the joint as it were. It's a sad part of life that scallies like this exist at all and I for one wish it weren't so. The recession and hard times stories are just no excuse. This crime is only marginally up from robbing an old granny of her handbag....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's pretty low yes. I'm confident that in the extremely unlikely event of the thief being caught, rest assured that he'll be severely told off and receive a 3 month prison sentence (suspended on condition he attends an alcohol/drug rehabilitation course). The poor little mite has probably had a terrible childhood so it's not his fault!