Friday, July 10, 2009

Are police cars and ambulances (noise) polluting Tonbridge?...

Is it me or are there more police cars and ambulances tearing down Tonbridge High St. than ever! I've counted at least four this morning. Maybe its the stillness of the summer air which makes you notice them more. Maybe it's the Miami Vice-like sirens they use these days. They really do make you stop and look and get well clear of them, which I suppose is the point afterall. But do they have to be quite so intrusive? What was wrong with the good old fashion nee naw or indeed the Z-cars bell?! I'm not kidding I know of at least one family who used to live near the town centre, who actually left Tonbridge specifically because he and his wife had had enough of them. A bit drastic perhaps but that really was the reason this retired doctor gave for moving....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes you are absolutely right - it's night time too. It could possibly drive me away as well - as could the local businesses taking the p... £5 for an A5 scan at Susan Adams. Don't go there EVER. Total rip off. This company are seriously on the take. They don't deserve to be in our community. Of course I didn't use them. What is wrong with everyone now-a-days. GET REAL or people like me are going to let everyone else know what a total rip off you are!!!!!
Thanks for having a non-censored site.