Thursday, July 16, 2009

A day not to be missed!...

Some people criticised the inclusion of ads by Google on this blog when TonbridgeBlog first started to carry them. Reading the article on the Guardian's web site this morning about the back packer who went missing for 12 days in the Australian Blue Mountains, surviving on leaves and seeds, perhaps the critcs had some justification for their concerns. I swear to you this ad appeared underneath this report this morning:

"Blue Mountain Tours
See the beautiful Blue Mountains A day not to be missed. Good value"

Shouldn't that be a day not to be missed followed by 11 to definitely be missed! It must be the way the search engine just picks out key words or something along those lines. In fact if you scroll down some of the ads next to TBlog posts you'll see some other strange examples like ads for services to get you tax refunds next to my posting about the MP claiming over £5,000 for a bookcase!...


Anonymous said...

I think it's all rather hilarious - it must be automated. Tonbridge blog should try some odd postings to test out the theory.
On a different note - a rather grumpy note too - I am so fed up with trying to negotiate groups of mothers and buggies in the High Street. (For Petrolstationvillage's sake I will now state I am not a mum and baby hater. Or a woman hater or a children hater.)
If they don't come at you in Roman fighting tactic force by taking up the whole pavement and ploughing their way through each individual, they stand in groups blocking the whole space gossiping and screeching at their kids without a care for anyone else, whilst elderly people and other shoppers are forced into walking in the gutter.
Is it just me or is anyone else having this problem. Am I just becoming a grumpy old lady.
I have had my fair share of children, buggies, prams, little trikes trailing along, skateboards and reigns but I do remember (not that far back actually) being aware and courteous to other people. What's happening folks?????

Tonbridge blogger said...

In fact it's already happened on this posting. There's now loads of ads for Autralian tours and the like! As for your Grumpy Old Woman comment yes you are a bit but I also know what you mean. We're all selfish at the end of the day and we have short memories. You'll never know but there would probably have been times when older folk may have muttered things under their breath about "modern mothers" or something when you were pushing buggies. I remember the one and only time I went to see the Tonbridge Angels I had my two year old son on my shoulders and he wasn't at all impressed with their perfomance! He screamed and winged for a while and I overheard some uncharitable guy behind me saying words to the effect "that's what we come here (the football ground) to get away from!" Lovely isn't it! But to be honest, ten years or so on I'm beginning to think the same way. I hate myself for it but then I'm probably turning into a Grumpy Old Man! We all do in the end...