Friday, March 19, 2010

A final word about John Adams bookshop....

I see that the Courier published my letter in today's issue but, because I know that most of you hate parting with the 65p that the paper costs, here it is in full (the paper actually edited it down and missed one or two bits out for some reason, I can't think why!) I wrote it, not to dig up dirt and cause a stir because I've got nothing better to do, but because I didn't want to be tarred with the same brush as Douglas Jeffers and I wanted Tonbridge to know where I stand on the subject of Oxfam books. This really is the last thing I'm ever going to say on the subject.... probably....

"I couldn't believe what I was seeing when I read that Douglas Jeffers, the owner of My Back Pages, formerly John Adams bookshop, was apparently being driven out by Oxfam books. Mr Jeffers is on a very sticky wicket when he argues his case for unfair competition of a charity like Oxfam pushing him out; surely this is just face-saving on his part; his business was dying anyway so you might say he is dressing his grave.
As the owner of Mr. Books in Bank Street, Tonbridge I have watched John Adams having four "Store Closing" sales within the space of a year-and-a-half each time deciding, presumably at the last minute, to stay open to serve the good people of Tonbridge! I opened my shop nearly five years ago to the day on the basis that it would complement John Adams who, at the time, only sold exclusively brand new books, so my business strategy was to sell mainly rare and secondhand books; that was written into my business plan. Further down the line John Adams began selling some secondhand books, and, more recently, purely secondhand books. Then he has the nerve to complain about competition in the town. What is actually wrong with competition anyway? If you ask me it sharpens businesses up, who would otherwise become set in their ways and would operate a lazy, shoddy service. My shop has only succeeded, being tucked away in the almost forgotten old part of the town centre, because I go out of my way to provide this service; in so doing I attract book collectors from all over the South East and, increasingly, from beyond. I might also add that I have revived the dormant Tonbridge Book Fair after a 20 year absense and organised poetry nights and other literary events in the town; Mr. Jeffers has done none of this as far as I'm aware and why would he since he lives in London and not in the community he claims to care about. Yes Oxfam Books opening in Tonbridge gives me cause for concern but if I had to do one of those SWAT analyses they would be a threat, but also an opportunity. In fact I've already agreed to donate around 1,000 books to them, books which have done the rounds in my shop and are now sitting, clogging up my storage and will otherwise probably never see the light of day again. So good luck to Oxfam, they are a wonderful charity and I'm sure that Tonbridge will manage just fine without Mr. Jeffers warped sense of business logic."

Does that make my position clear enough?...


Anonymous said...

There's only one way to find out...FIGHT!

Anonymous said...

Personally would rather read the UK Column its about the only paper that tell the truth, unfortunately

why are so-called charities known as the third sector are taking over?


Corrupt - common purpose councils

Anonymous said...

Agreed - FIGHT

Ask the right questions and make them accountable to the public

Anonymous said...

Angel Walk will be a bit bleak from April with Holland & B. moving to the High Street. You wont have a choice of where you can buy your nuts from then.
Maybe Oxfam could open a Shoe Shop in Tonbridge. Peter Newman has been in darkness for the last two days, whats going on? Peter Newman Shoes LTD was in administraction last april so whoe has been running it?

Anonymous said...

is holland and barrat moving on the high street then? where abouts

Anonymous said...

This part of a press release from the OFT last year may give you a clue Anon 6.10

The OFT has referred the completed acquisition of Julian Graves Limited by NBTY Europe Inc (NBTY), which owns Holland & Barrett, to the Competition Commission.

alesteir crowley said...

I've written 2 long blogs in answer and each time I've tried to post I am blocked and have to renew my password in google. Ok I'm going to answer you via my window because I know this whole thing was a set-up so that you could publish that pompous press- release in the Courier. You prompted the reporter to phone me up and you've kept your powder dry on this blog until now. Oh well done Alastair Campbell!
You have more faces than Big Ben.
You've been selling new books for years- not "mainly" because unsuccessfully.
You've already said what is wrong with Oxfam's competition weeks ago - don't you read your own blog?
I live in London and and as you know Ive got a quadraplegic son who needs one to one Ive hardly been out the door for years and didn't go to bookfairs because I was involved with disabled football. And I never said anything about serving the good people of Tonbridge -I leane that guff to you - book-selling is a job not a calling you big-head.
Your shop is not a success - youve been trying to get into the high street for years. Other Tonbridge booksellers are scathing of your knowledge and arrogance.
Go on give away 1000 crap books Big-Hearted Arthur - you're an example to us all. John Adams himself showed us your press-release - he wasn't impressed.
"Oxfam are coming to blow us out of the water" - just when did you change your mind - when you found out I was going or when you made a littl deal with them. Good luck Oxfam I wont be here to suffer your competition.

alesteir crowley said...

yes I'll just keep reseting my password. I had to find out what Swat test meant. Now that I know it stands for SOLID WASTE ASSESSMENT TEST, I can confirm that you are excellent at Solid Waste "mainly" of the male cow variety.

alesteir crowley said...


alesteir crowley said...

Oh, could it mean Strengths wekanesses, apportunities, threats ? In which case you've taken the apportunity to indulge your shameless self- regard and self- promotion in true Alan Partridge style.

The Oxfam issue - you made it all about you!!!!!
MR Books - the clue is in the title.

Tonbridge blogger said...

Aleister Crowley: if I'm as devious as you make out then maybe I'm wasted in bookselling and should move into politics. Actually I had absolutely no idea about your son and I'm sorry to hear about that. I really am a straight kind of guy and have never embarked on a snide campaign as you suggested previously. I really cannot be bothered. I write this blog as and when I feel the urge to. Sometimes I shoot from the hip and just say what's on my mind, but usually it has to be a bit more measured than that. I do give people of Tonbridge, who know about this blog, the oppotunity to speak their minds as you are here, since there is no other platform for them to do this. I'm not setting out to be Mr. Tonbridge or anything like that, I don't actually enjoy the limelight that much and would sometimes much prefer it if TBlog's identity had not been revealed. I could block your rather personal, and often mysterious comments, but choose not to do this except in one of your more extreme example. I've stated my feelings on Oxfam and John Adams shop (note not you personally, I don't even know you at all well as I believe we may have met briefly only twice in person.) The comment I made to you on a comps slip, which I think you are referring to was just a quick off the cuff, tongue in cheek line. Maybe it'll turn out to be prophetic, who knows? But,for now at least, I'll just keep soldiering on with me little shop which I've grown rather attached to, until I can find the right location elsewhere....

alesteir crowley said...

Not me personally? are you sure? would you like to re-read your blog?

You started all this when you complained in your blog about my second closing -down sale and someone probably you informed the Trading Standards who found me guilty of nothing!!!
Your letter says you didn't sell new books . Well you told me you had an account with Gardners - so what the hwell are you complaining about me selling secondhand books. If my business was going down why did I keep signing new leases? What did all that guff about your great business plan have to do with me and Oxfam? I'm losing business, Ranulf is loding a job - and here is you acting like a quisling (try google)and coming all Holy Joe and not being tarred with the same brush as me! If the bookselling community had any character they'd shun you like the scab you are. And don't come all infantile with "me little shop" _ you're sounding as twee as Oxfam and their "little charity shops" or magnet stores as they put it to me. This is an issue I care about because I've been doing it for 30 years not five minutes like you. I've soldiered-on thought thick and thin and I won't be lectured by jumped-up twerps like you. Nor by ex-bankers like McCullough who is a disrespectful asshole! Play your little games elsewhere sonny or grow-up, mind your own business more and grow a back-bone.

alesteir crowley said...

"have never emabarked on a snide campaign ..... couldn't be bothered...." Well, you have just bothered and look through your blogs in the last year and see how many other times you've bothered.
John Adams himself who you like to quote against us brought your letter to our attention and was very scathing of it.

The arcade we inhabit is emptying out - but all the Great Tonbridgian can find time for us rubbishing other retailers on the street and I mean others, not me. You call it the Tonbridge blog - it's all about you. Be honest and call it the Mark Richardson Blog.
I will be complaining to the Courier and calling "Foul".
But, I think if you were the "pretty straight guy"you say you are, you would be writing to them too to draw attention to the fact that I haven't had four closing-down sales, that you have been trying to sell new books for years; that I have never claimed to be public -spirited as you suggested several times; that you wrote to me "off the cuff and tongue in cheeek" that Oxfam would blow us both out of the water; and also reiterate the argument you made in your blog about their rates/free labour/free stock; just to round out the picture - get more feel for truth.

alesteir crowley said...

Incidentally, a customer told me yesterday that they were in Oxfam questioning the high price of a book. The manager answered that you were selling the same book at 5 times the price he was asking.

Oh dear, disenssion in the ranks already?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Attention Courier...This is front page stuff! Now do carry on. Got Mr Crowley 2-1 up at the mo.

Anonymous said...
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Tonbridge blogger said...

Crowley just stop being a bully and keep things in perspective, you are verging on being threatening; this is just a local blog and just one person's opinion, you demonstrated that others can voice their opinions against mine. I've been in the book trade for nearly seven years, because I had a career before and I'm choosing to do this. It sounds to me like you've been in it for a few years too long. Maybe time to take a break. I didn't set out to upset you but merely to speak my mind which I have every right to do....

alesteir crowley said...

Why don't you just answer my questions and stop hiding behind the passive-agressive's bullying mantra?
Don't pick fights and then run away. You've made yourself look bad. You're making youself look worse!
But don't worry you are just not worth the bother and you won't be hearing from me again as long as you keep it shut.

alesteir crowley said...

I've just re-read your last comment - you really are something. I give better breaks than I take.