I love bees. They work hard, they get very little reward personally for their efforts and, so far as we know, they never complain; in fact they spend most of their lives waggle dancing. In many ways they are the living proof that The Big Society might just be successful! Best of all, in my view, they provide us with the most beautiful breakfast substance available HONEY. Winnie the Pooh, that bear of very little brain, was obsessed with the stuff and who could blame him?! I'm obsessed with the stuff. (Does that mean that I also have a tiny brain? (Not necessarily!) So what is it about this stuff. I don't really know but what I do know is that I love it spread on toast and, better still, drizzled over my fave summer breakfast of the moment: Greek yogurt mixed with sliced banana and a handful of crunchy oat cereal. Try it you'll love it, I'm not sure I invented this treat but I've certainly gone some way to perfecting it. (Works equally well with a dollop of summer fruits.) The honey just finishes it off nicely and gives it that lovely rich sweetness that only good quality honey can. I have no proof for this except my own personal experience but I'm now convinced that local honey cures you of your hay fever. A bold claim I know but I'm not the first to say this. Let's just say that the jar I purchased from the Bourne Valley Farm stall at the last Tonbridge Farmers Market, pictured, worked for me and no they're not paying me to say this although they can if they wish!...
Honey contains fluticasone sucrepropionate, which enables an almost instant hit via your stomach into your bloodstream, that is why you like it so much. It offers an immediate "sugar rush". I find a couple of rashers of bacon, a couple of nice locally produced sausages and eggs on two slices of toast and some baked beans makes a much better breakfast, but then it's all a question of taste I suppose.
Keep your yoghurt and your honey.
and don't forget the black pudding...What is honey compared to black pudding?
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