Saturday, August 27, 2011

Tonbridge Twee up....

Apparently Tonbridge Blog missed the Tonbridgetweetup last night at the Rose and Crown Hotel. I think the idea was that all the twitter people from the Tonbridge area should get together and meet up (thus tweet up you see!) have a few drinks and generally socialise with each other. Well I thought about going but decided that I was washing my hair instead. It just sounded a bit too, well, twee for me. One of the best things about twitter for me is the anonymity of it all, if you go around actually physically meeting all your fellow tweeters (or is it twitterers, or just twitts maybe) then you might end up liking them and actually being nice to them all and that would certainly be too twee for me. If anyone especially does want to meet me then they can jolly well just come along to my twook shop at twoo Bank Stweeeet. That said, when is the next Tonbridgetweetup? I may just go along the once just to see how twee it could be....

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