Tunbridge Wells car parks already charge on a Sunday and, according to a local press report last week, they are considering doing the same into the evening. If you're reading this Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council: DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!!!! It's enough of a problem putting off potential customers for traders in busier, more vibrant town centres and that Tonbridge definitely is not. In fact I'd say that there's a substantial argument why Tonbridge should have free parking reintroduced most days, at least for the first two hours, if our council is serious about encouraging shoppers here. At the moment why would they come apart from for essentials when they can park free at Bluewater for nothing, catch a train to London, park free in Paddock Wood or pay similar charges with much more choice in Tunbridge Wells? Is it the job of the council to milk shoppers dry, impose ridiculous fines, discourage trade and therefore traders from doing business in the town? The answer to that has to be a resounding NO! Please take a long term view on this TMBC, forget about short term gains in revenue, before there are no shops left to save....
It was only a few years ago that Tun Wells started charging on a Sunday and it does not seem to have made any difference there. Compared with other towns in Kent Tonbridge has very few empty shops. Many shops in the lower High Street dont stay empty for long. Even the Pepper Grinder seems to be open again. If there were lots more empty shops then you could expect the council to do something but that is not the situation. I know they have put up charges recently but they did indroduce a short stay 50p and if you know where to go you can often park for free just a few minutes from the High Street. One whole car park is free on Saturday pm but many people still pay rather than walk a few yards.
Actually, and perhaps I should'nt be saying this....
I always park for free in Tonbridge. On the rare occasion I venture into town, I just park in any of the carparks and don't pay. Invariably I find one of those absurd envelopes stuck to my side window, but I find if I simply screw it up and throw it into a bin, the matter is closed. Usually I recieve a recorded delivery from the council threatening me with death if I don't pay the fine, but if I do the same with that, as I did with the original ticket, I don't hear any more....This council isn't very good at collecting fines. They rely on the "cooperation" of honest citizens of Tonbridge to trot along to the council offices and pay up straight away. Just don't pay...simple.
You might also threaten them with legal action regarding the damage to your car window. That stuff they use to stick their silly plastic baggie to your window is hard work to get off, in my opinion, it's tantamount to vandalism.
Offering free parking even if just at certain times would be a big incentive to entice shoppers there particularly at this time of year.
More pay car parks 24/ 7 please, cars are so bad for the environment.
Has the council considered leasing the car parks out to NCP or other such firms.
A good revenue source and it may act as a deterant for all those lazy car owners.
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