I was in a rush this morning to open up my shop. You see, even though I'm the boss and there's only me there, I still have a strong work ethic and want to get there on time. So imagine how delighted I was to see the queue at the main Post Office snaking almost out the door this morning. I had no choice really but to wait in line and take my turn. I've moaned about this in the past but I'll do it again and again until they do more to prevent it. It just isn't good enough to see 2 open out of a possible eight counters. Did they not realise that it's Saturday morning and more people are around to go about their business? After a few minutes, to give them their dues, two more clerks arrived (they probably call themselves sales consultants these days.) They ambled up to their counters stoney faced and with all the enthusiasm of a group of people on Death Row who'd just heard that the Governor's final decision was not what they'd hoped to hear! Then there was a man with bags full of change and all sorts of forms he needed help with which you can't complain about since that's partly what the PO is for. There was an annoying woman who had all the time in the world doing what looked like her Christmas cards (in November for Christ's sake?!) Even when she'd finished she was happy to stand and chat to the assistant. Again that's up to her, a bit inconsiderate perhaps, but still no real complaints. The chap serving though should have had the presence of mind to very politely ask her to stand aside so that he could serve one of the other thirty or so customers who by this time were seething in the queue behind. So instead of arriving at my shop in the nick of time I arrived twenty minutes late quite utterly P'd Off. They simply need more staff and better training at the PO that much is clear. While they're at it why not reopen some of the half a dozen sub Post Offices they've seen fit to close in the last few years....
Fully agree with you, I think that the manager needs a proverbial 'kick up the a***'
It is no way to run a business in 2011!!!!!
I think you would have a face as long as the staff in the PO if all the customers are as bitter and twisted as you.
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