Saturday, May 31, 2008

Does "the council" read Tonbridge blog?...

Coincidence it may be but credit where it's due. The weedy excuses have stopped and the weeds beneath the trees at the corner of Bank Street and High Street have been dug up. Only three days after Tonbridge blog launched its mini-campaign for better coordination between "the councils." Please don't stop there though council: can we now have street lamps that actually light up at night (there are around half a dozen out in the N end of the High Street) buildings that have been boarded up for more than a year compulsorily purchased or at least extreme pressure put on the owners to do something with them, and while we're about it car park stickers which stick to the wind screen instead of flimsy things which blow off the dash board onto the floor resulting in unjust fines for unsuspecting motorists.Better still let's get rid of Traffic Wardens- sorry "Parking Attendants" sorry " Civil Enforcement Officers" altogether (OK that's not going to happen is it!) Any other suggestions?....

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