Saturday, May 1, 2010

Election fever update....

I saw this morning that Sir John's mob were out in force on the big bridge with True Blue Balloons and blue leaflets with which to accost passers by innocently going about their shopping. Still at least they weren't Chelsea fans! Haven't seen any Labour or Libs, perhaps they go for a later start or have given up the chase! On a slightly darker note I had the National Front leaflet drop through my letter box yesterday. The photo of the candidate makes him look like a nice old gentleman but my God he must be bitter and twisted inside. Does he really think that he's fooling anyone with that right wing fascistic garbage? You'd think that someone the age of 75 would have seen enough of the world to know that these sort of policies are dangerous and deliberately provocative and, if they ever did anywhere, belong to a completely different age. The Dark Age. Still I guess that's the price of democracy that we allow people like him to stand and spout their racist spillage....

1 comment:

Jeremy said...

I thought he sounded completely bonkers rather than dangerous,