Thursday, October 14, 2010

Angry fish....

There's something fishy going on down by the river today! There's a very angry looking black sharky looking thing suspended over the water and it looks like there could be several others up very soon. I'm told by the ladies who call themselves the Platonic Artists, who are responsible for the installations, that it's not so much angry as teenagery. When you look at it closer they have a point. There's a bright red handbag for lips and several sets of head phones about it's body and it has the curious look of a Transformer about it. I'm pretty sure that students of West Kent College had a hand it it. Or was it a fin! Get along there over the weekend and see it for yourselves....

1 comment:

Nickname unavailable said...

there are half a dozen fish up there now, all made of recyled stuff. Well worth a look.