As I said after their show last night I arrived at Mojo's feeling more than a bit hassled, rushed and stressed but, after listening to Aoife Mannix's words and Janie Armour's music, I felt mellow and soothed. They were fabulous and the open mic session afterwards also seemed to go well for the handful of enthusiastic local poets who took part. It has to be said though that the turnout was poor, especially because Mojo's bar is a fairly sizeable place. I did feel a little sorry for Aoife and Janie, who'd travelled on the train from London, with all their kit, for the occasion. They didn't show it in the least but it must be disheartening to see so few people turning up, even if they were being paid the same. This could have been down to the £5 entrance fee (even though you got most of that back with the drinks promotion if you had two or three drinks) or it could have been down to lack of publicity or the early start. But really though where were all the students and poetry lovers who used to attend the poetry nights at the Ivy House and where were the Tunbridge Wells and Sevenoaks poetry society people; or don't they class this as real poetry? I liked seeing the contrast of the hussle outside Mojos as blinkered commuters got off their trains and made their way home (not so long ago that was me getting off the train!) That scene contrasted with the calm and soft, soothing sounds inside the bar. I also liked seeing some of the regular drinkers in Mojo's bar just stopping to listen and finding that they too were unexpectedly moved by the perfomance; at least that's how it appeared to me. Their performance was short-lived at only half an hour but, nevertheless, brilliant. As they say on their own web site it was a gorgeous fusion of voice, accordion, piano, percussion and bass. I will be buying their cd and book both entitled Different Words for Snow. The Tonbridge Arts Festival continues until Sunday so, if you haven't been along to any of the events yet look on the web site or go to the library, Angel Centre, Church or even Mr. Books shop for a programme or just meander down to the riverside beneath the castle to see the Big Picture or the fish installations....
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