I love the way the people passing by in this photo are suddenly in awe of the Big Picture which is the whole height of Tonbridge Castle wall. Rather like Dancing in the Street down the High Street on Saturday afternoon, this encapsulates the spirit of the festival. People who may not usually be aware of art are transfixed by it even if just for a fleeting moment. In that moment it's grabbed hold of them and told them to stop and take notice; they've become part of the festival themselves. I know that sounds a bit arty farty but, nevertheless, I think it's true....
How did your quiz go?
Tried to get tickets for the Josphine Cox afternoon at WKC. CANCELLED. I called the Angel Centre and asked if places were still available and was told 'I should think so' - 'probably' - so I asked the woman to check for sure so I didn't make a fruitless visit to the Centre - 'oh sorry, she said 'it's been cancelled'. These people just don't have a clue. Oh well, such a shame about the talk. Bit of a shambles really.
Loved the Big Picture but would have liked it to have been a larger event - as all of the Arts Festival. It was a bit 'bitty'. Surely we could have had buskers, and street performers, the High Street decorated in some way, Art in more shops and restaurants, the churches more involved in some way, something on the Castle Lawn, an arty crafty market somewhere - maybe in a space outside the Angel Centre or along the river. Maybe next year. It was a bit too insular and inclusive for me and to be honest didn't really notice it happening. What a missed opportunity. The organisers should be hung, drawn and quartered.
My wife painted one of the pannels on the "Big Picture". I must get down and see it for myself, before it's taken down.
Anon I think you have a point on some of what you say (not so much the hung drawn and quartered bit!) Personally I pushed for a marquee on the Cstle lawn as a focal point for the festival but, obviously this requires a lot more cash and alot more support from volunteers who aren't always forthcoming. Don't forget that this isn't a one off so this year's festival is a big learning curve for next year and beyond. Maybe you should put yourself forward to help out next time around....
My understanding on the Josephine Cox debacle is that her agent insisted on pulling the event because they hadn't sold enough tickets by a cut off point date. A bit harsh considering around 25 people had already paid up front and more could have paid on the door. The answer is simple boycot her books!
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