Friday, October 8, 2010

Tonbridge Arts Festival Pizza!...

Just had a really good chat with Eric, the new manager of ASK restaurant who seems like an enthusiastic kind of guy. If his food is as good as his charm then it's probably worth going along there. He wanted to know if his restaurant could get involved in the Tonbridge Arts Festival in any way to which I replied that it would probably be a little late to get on the main programme. I suggested to my new mate that he could maybe do something a bit fringey to get involved in the festival which, if you don't know, runs from next Friday to the following Sunday all over the town. Being as Eric is half Italian (the other half Brazilian) together we came up with the idea of ASK putting on a bit of Opera to join in the fun and maybe they could make a special Arts Festival Pizza to show that they supported the event. (Yes okay and to draw in a few extra people to the restaurant. OMG he should be paying me for this advice!) So look out for a spot of Dessun Dorma being belted out across Tonbridge. Now what to put on that Tonbridge Pizza? Any sensible suggestions please?...


Anonymous said...

3 pieces of KFC, 6 McNuggets and a Greggs steak bake.
Build it and they will come.

Tonbridge blogger said...

Now was that a sensible suggestion?! What about a fruity one? Garden of England and all that? Or an in season veg one? Not sure how curly kale would take to the pizza oven though!...