This one obviously flatters me! |
The blogger formerly known as Tonbridgeblog. Views on most subjects welcome especially where they concern books and all things bookish
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
HNY Everyone....
P Off...
I see that once again our dear old post office has let us all down. It's been closed throughout the Christmas period due to flooding. Well, I don't see any water inside the building and as far as I know they've had no power cuts. So is it a case of any excuse will do to close early or not open at all? Or do they have genuine reason? Come off it guys this is a vital service, especially for businesses, and you should be pulling out all the stops to open up as normal as possible. What is everyone meant to do? Go to a sub post office? Oh, that's right, they've all been closed down!...
New Year's fitness....
If you are a swimmer and your New Year's resolution is to get fit TonbridgeBlog suggests that you take up running. It simply will be no excuse that Tonbridge Swimming Pool is likely to be closed for January and February, at the very least, by the looks of things. The pool's website suggests this by saying that direct debits for the fitness pool and spa have been frozen although actually the official line is "a number of weeks." It seems that those flood barriers around the pool, constructed at enormous expense after the last floods over a decade ago, weren't up to the job. As this is the first time that they've been properly tested that's pretty shoddy really when you think about it. It is our understanding here at TonbridgeBlog that a decision was taken by the borough council officials, when the swimming pool was being planned, to save money by NOT adequately protecting the pool against the possibility of flooding based on it being, statistically, a once in a hundred years possibility. Well guys at the council that was a big error of judgement as this flood makes it twice in 13 years! To give them the benefit of the doubt maybe the damage would have been a hell of a lot worse if the barriers weren't there this time. As it is it looks like we (the tax payer) will have to fork out for new equipment and a massive decontamination and clean up operation. Think I'll stick to running and canoeing!...
Read updates on the swimming pool's website and on This is Kent site
Read updates on the swimming pool's website and on This is Kent site
Flood defences....
I've been away a bit so haven't been able to report much on the great Tonbridge floods. Mr. Books is part way up a hill so I knew the shop and, more importantly, the books would survive but I did have a bit of a hairy moment when I heard the loud speaker vans going around announcing evacuations like some scene from a disaster movie! People were lining the big bridge to see the river in what can only be described as torrent. It was up to road level at the bridge. Wetherpoons was closed (actually the only time I've ever fancied a spur of the moment pint there!) and my understanding is that it hasn't reopened all of Christmas. Very costly indeed for the pub chain I should imagine but I'm sure they'll claim most of it back on insurance. Further down the High Street on Christmas Eve there were police and Environment Agency officials in high viz jackets everywhere you looked. I knew how serious things were though when I realised that even McDonalds had been forced to close. That must be a first! The car parks in the riverside apartments were under two feet of water even on Boxing Day when I went for an investigative walk. Funny that, what with them being below the river level and all! Not sure of the wisdom of that idea. But, then again, presumably they were built like that on the understanding that the Leigh flood barrier could hold back even the Red Sea and thereby protect Tonbridge. The question remains as to whether or not the barrier did do just that or, as some were muttering last week, that there was some sort of mechanical fault and the barrier failed us. Anyone aware of the latest thinking on that? Did they successfully regulate the flow of the Medway or did someone or something make a boo boo? .... Some pictures will follow soon
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
A Christmas Message to Tonbridge....
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Angel Centre Cinema, Clubs and Events....
Always worth remembering that, although we don't have a cinema in Tonbridge (yet) you can watch some fairly up to date films at the Angel Centre from time to time. There's lots of social clubs and other things going on down there as well. I'm particularly intrigued as to what the Gassers and Rubber Fanciers get up to. I'm told that it's some sort of modelling club and completely harmless. Still, the mind boggles!....
Although Christmas is not yet
upon us, we thought you might like to see what's in store at the Centre in the
New Year. There are lots of events taking place during the
month including an SRP Toy Fair, IPWUK Wrestling Spectacular
and two great films - Philomena and Captain Phillips.
Don't forget that the Lions Club Christmas Panto is taking place this weekend and there are still tickets available - more information below.
Don't forget that the Lions Club Christmas Panto is taking place this weekend and there are still tickets available - more information below.
Philomena (12A) - 2 hours long
Philomena (12A) - 2 hours long
Tuesday 14 January -
2.45pm & 5.30pm
Wednesday 15 January - 8.15pm
Thursday 16 January - 2.45pm, 5.30pm & 8.15pm
A world-weary political journalist picks up the story of a woman's search for her son, who was taken away from her decades ago after she became pregnant and was forced to live in a convent. Stars Judy Dench and Steve Coogan.
Captain Phillips (12A) - 2 hours 30 mins long
Wednesday 15 January - 8.15pm
Thursday 16 January - 2.45pm, 5.30pm & 8.15pm
A world-weary political journalist picks up the story of a woman's search for her son, who was taken away from her decades ago after she became pregnant and was forced to live in a convent. Stars Judy Dench and Steve Coogan.
Captain Phillips (12A) - 2 hours 30 mins long

Tuesday 14 January - 8pm
Wednesday 15 January - 2.15pm & 5.15pm
The true story of Captain Richard Phillips and the 2009 hijacking by Somali pirates of the US-flagged MV Maersk Alabama, the first American cargo ship to be hijacked in two hundred years. Stars Tom Hanks, Barkhad Abdi and Barkhad Abdirahman.
Tickets are available in advance from the Box Office - 01732 359966. Adults £6 Children/Senior Citizens £5
Wednesday 15 January - 2.15pm & 5.15pm
The true story of Captain Richard Phillips and the 2009 hijacking by Somali pirates of the US-flagged MV Maersk Alabama, the first American cargo ship to be hijacked in two hundred years. Stars Tom Hanks, Barkhad Abdi and Barkhad Abdirahman.
Tickets are available in advance from the Box Office - 01732 359966. Adults £6 Children/Senior Citizens £5
January & December
SRP Toy Fair - Tuesday 7 January
The Toy Fair takes place in the Medway Hall from 6.30pm to 8.30pm.
Area Planning Meeting - Thursday 16 January
This meeting takes place in the Riverside Lounge at 7.30pm.
IPWUK Wrestling Spectacular
The event takes place in the Medway Hall from 5pm. Tickets cost £13 adults, £9 for under 16s, Family £37 and VIP Package £40. For more information visit
Sleeping Beauty at the Angel Centre - 20 & 21 December
Tickets are still available for the panto this Friday/Saturday. Following the hugely successful production of Jack & The Beanstalk last December, the Tonbridge Lions Club are delighted to join forces again, with the Angel Centre, to produce the popular pantomime The Sleeping Beauty on Friday 20 December (7.30pm) and Saturday 21 (10.30am. 2.30pm and 6.30pm). Each performance will raise much needed funds for local Tonbridge charities.
The Sleeping Beauty, widely regarded as one of the most delightful fairy tales ever written, is a truly magical story of adventure, music, romance and fun. Share the adventures of the beautiful Princess Briar Rose, her handsome Prince, dotty Fanny Annie and not forgetting Nuts the Monkey! As with all the best pantos this hugely entertaining Christmas romp includes masses of audience participation and wonderfully boo-able villains.
Tickets cost £11 for adults, £9 for children/concessions and £32 for a family ticket. Places are limited, so please book early to avoid disappointment! Contact the Angel Centre box office on 01732 359966.
January & December
SRP Toy Fair - Tuesday 7 January
The Toy Fair takes place in the Medway Hall from 6.30pm to 8.30pm.
Area Planning Meeting - Thursday 16 January
This meeting takes place in the Riverside Lounge at 7.30pm.
IPWUK Wrestling Spectacular
The event takes place in the Medway Hall from 5pm. Tickets cost £13 adults, £9 for under 16s, Family £37 and VIP Package £40. For more information visit
Sleeping Beauty at the Angel Centre - 20 & 21 December

Tickets are still available for the panto this Friday/Saturday. Following the hugely successful production of Jack & The Beanstalk last December, the Tonbridge Lions Club are delighted to join forces again, with the Angel Centre, to produce the popular pantomime The Sleeping Beauty on Friday 20 December (7.30pm) and Saturday 21 (10.30am. 2.30pm and 6.30pm). Each performance will raise much needed funds for local Tonbridge charities.
The Sleeping Beauty, widely regarded as one of the most delightful fairy tales ever written, is a truly magical story of adventure, music, romance and fun. Share the adventures of the beautiful Princess Briar Rose, her handsome Prince, dotty Fanny Annie and not forgetting Nuts the Monkey! As with all the best pantos this hugely entertaining Christmas romp includes masses of audience participation and wonderfully boo-able villains.
Tickets cost £11 for adults, £9 for children/concessions and £32 for a family ticket. Places are limited, so please book early to avoid disappointment! Contact the Angel Centre box office on 01732 359966.
Friday Fleamarket
Every Friday in the Medway Hall from 8am to 1pm. Contact Mrs Carmichael 01732 456196 for further information or to book a stall.
Weight Watchers
Weight Watchers sessions take place every Tuesday at 12.45pm and 6.15pm in the Jubilee Room. Contact 08457 123000 for more information.
Blood Donors Session
Sessions are held regularly in the Medway Hall - the next will take place on Thursday 9 and 21 January. For more information contact the National Blood Transfusion Service on 0845 771 1711.
Tonbridge U3A
Meetings held on the first Wednesday of every month at 2pm in the Medway Hall. On 8 January speaker Pat Mortlock will discuss 'Tonbridge: The Growth of a Market Town.' For further information visit
Friday Fleamarket
Every Friday in the Medway Hall from 8am to 1pm. Contact Mrs Carmichael 01732 456196 for further information or to book a stall.
Weight Watchers

Weight Watchers sessions take place every Tuesday at 12.45pm and 6.15pm in the Jubilee Room. Contact 08457 123000 for more information.
Blood Donors Session
Sessions are held regularly in the Medway Hall - the next will take place on Thursday 9 and 21 January. For more information contact the National Blood Transfusion Service on 0845 771 1711.
Tonbridge U3A
Meetings held on the first Wednesday of every month at 2pm in the Medway Hall. On 8 January speaker Pat Mortlock will discuss 'Tonbridge: The Growth of a Market Town.' For further information visit
Tonbridge Flower Arrangement
The Club will meet again on Wednesday 22 January at 2.15pm. New members always welcome.
The Club will meet again on Wednesday 22 January at 2.15pm. New members always welcome.
Tonbridge Civic Society
The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 21 January when speaker Sir Paul Britton will discuss: The Architectural History of Tonbridge. For more information please visit
The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 21 January when speaker Sir Paul Britton will discuss: The Architectural History of Tonbridge. For more information please visit
Tonbridge Decorative &
Fine Arts Society
Meetings held monthly at 2.30pm in the Medway Hall - new members always welcome. On 23 January Rosalind White will discuss: LS Lowry - The Painting of Modern Life. For more information contact 01622 754929 or visit
Meetings held monthly at 2.30pm in the Medway Hall - new members always welcome. On 23 January Rosalind White will discuss: LS Lowry - The Painting of Modern Life. For more information contact 01622 754929 or visit
Society of Friends
The Society of Friends meets monthly in the Vauxhall Room. The next meeting will take place on Sunday 19 January. For further information contact Mrs Heydecker on 01732 365781.
Tonbridge Morning Townswomen's Guild
Held on second Wednesday of each month from 10am to 12 noon, new members always welcome. On Wednesday 8 January its Chatter Day & Quizzes. For further information please contact Mrs Knight-Smith on 01732 361751.
North Tonbridge Flower Arrangers
The next meeting will take place on Thursday 23 January - 7.45pm for 8pm.
Tonbridge Gassers & Rubber Fanciers
The group will next meet on Saturday 25 January.
Tonbridge Historical Society
The next meeting will take place on Thursday 13 February when speakers George and Joyce Buswell will discuss Vinzenz's Diary. For more details please visit
Line Dancing
Classes take place on Friday at 7pm. For more information please contact Mary on 01892 538322.
Classes held each Monday from 8pm to 9pm and 6.30pm to 7.30pm for Zumba Gold. For further information please contact Nicky on 01892 616123 or email
Little Kickers Football Training
Classes take place on Sunday morning at 10am for children aged 18 months to 4.5 years. For further information please call 0208 4320982 or visit
The Society of Friends meets monthly in the Vauxhall Room. The next meeting will take place on Sunday 19 January. For further information contact Mrs Heydecker on 01732 365781.
Tonbridge Morning Townswomen's Guild
Held on second Wednesday of each month from 10am to 12 noon, new members always welcome. On Wednesday 8 January its Chatter Day & Quizzes. For further information please contact Mrs Knight-Smith on 01732 361751.
North Tonbridge Flower Arrangers
The next meeting will take place on Thursday 23 January - 7.45pm for 8pm.
Tonbridge Gassers & Rubber Fanciers
The group will next meet on Saturday 25 January.
Tonbridge Historical Society

The next meeting will take place on Thursday 13 February when speakers George and Joyce Buswell will discuss Vinzenz's Diary. For more details please visit
Line Dancing
Classes take place on Friday at 7pm. For more information please contact Mary on 01892 538322.
Classes held each Monday from 8pm to 9pm and 6.30pm to 7.30pm for Zumba Gold. For further information please contact Nicky on 01892 616123 or email
Little Kickers Football Training
Classes take place on Sunday morning at 10am for children aged 18 months to 4.5 years. For further information please call 0208 4320982 or visit
Monday, December 16, 2013
Sorry John Lewis beat you to it!...
Today's business and market reports make a big deal out of John Lewis being the first department store to have been "given the google street view treatment." Sorry Mr. Lewis but Mr. Books beat you to it by about six months. Some of you may already realise that you can go on a virtual tour of the famous Tonbridge bookshop. Simply click on the image outside to enter into the murky world inside Mr. Books. Don't be alarmed when you see some mug with, well, a pixelated mug sitting at the desk. Actually it's not pixellated at all it's just how I look!...
Friday, December 13, 2013
Mr. Books Confession....
Okay, now I have a confession to make to you the people of Tonbridge. I'm not particularly proud of this but here we go. You must understand that I did this partly as a result peer pressure and, I'd like to say, out of needing to conduct some literary research, being a bookseller and all. Closer to the truth though was that I was fascinated with the massive hype. Everyone has an opinion about this book and usually it's not a good one, even though it seems that most people commenting have never actually even picked the thing up let alone gazed upon its pages. Yes, I'm sorry, I'm almost ashamed to admit it but:
The even worse confession is that I actually quite enjoyed it. In fact I've since skim-read the follow up, Fifty Shades Darker and have moved onto the final part of the trilogy, Fifty Shades Freed. I do want to find out what happens to Anastasia (Miss Steele) and Christian (Fifty Shades of.) I wouldn't say that the first book was un-put-downable, if indeed there is such a book in existence, but I did find it compelling reading and not for the obvious titillating bits involving S&M either. That said, being a man more used to M&S, I did find myself laughing out loud and sniggering like a teenager at some of these fruity bits at first. Later though they induce the feeling of: oh, here we go again! Once you've read one chapter about what goes on in the red room of pain (if you've read it this will make sense to you) how much more shocking can it get! It took a long time to come out, because I think that the author, E.L. James, was well aware that she was on to a winner what with the unashamed descriptions of previously taboo goings on in a mainstream novel, but there is a plot and it's quite a good one. Obviously it is by no means the most challenging book I've ever read but, you know, you just can't always read serious literature and Booker prize winners; sometimes you have to lose yourself in something a bit, well, trashy. Essentially though, in my opinion at least, so far in the story (remembering that I'm only two-thirds through the trilogy) it's a good old fashioned love story, where good must triumph over evil... just with added spicy bits. Can't wait to see the steamy film version!...
The even worse confession is that I actually quite enjoyed it. In fact I've since skim-read the follow up, Fifty Shades Darker and have moved onto the final part of the trilogy, Fifty Shades Freed. I do want to find out what happens to Anastasia (Miss Steele) and Christian (Fifty Shades of.) I wouldn't say that the first book was un-put-downable, if indeed there is such a book in existence, but I did find it compelling reading and not for the obvious titillating bits involving S&M either. That said, being a man more used to M&S, I did find myself laughing out loud and sniggering like a teenager at some of these fruity bits at first. Later though they induce the feeling of: oh, here we go again! Once you've read one chapter about what goes on in the red room of pain (if you've read it this will make sense to you) how much more shocking can it get! It took a long time to come out, because I think that the author, E.L. James, was well aware that she was on to a winner what with the unashamed descriptions of previously taboo goings on in a mainstream novel, but there is a plot and it's quite a good one. Obviously it is by no means the most challenging book I've ever read but, you know, you just can't always read serious literature and Booker prize winners; sometimes you have to lose yourself in something a bit, well, trashy. Essentially though, in my opinion at least, so far in the story (remembering that I'm only two-thirds through the trilogy) it's a good old fashioned love story, where good must triumph over evil... just with added spicy bits. Can't wait to see the steamy film version!...
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
PS on Business rates....
It now appears that endangered local businesses like bookshops, bakers and butchers will have to pay mostly full business rates but if the Church of Scientology, and possibly other cultish sects wish to open a place of worship in Tonbridge they might well be exempt. The C of Sc have just won a landmark case which recognises that religions don't have to be confined to ones which worship a supreme deity. Would you Adam and Eve it?!..
Council in a Pickle!...
Some time ago I sent a letter off to the Rt Hon. Eric Pickles MP. He of the large frame and looking like he's definitely eaten at least 3/4 of the pies! But I think his rotundity (is that a word?) gives a false first impression of the man and for me he's one of the more impressive of the government ministers. In my letter I pointed out to him how Business Rates, over zealous parking wardens/high charges and preferential treatment of charity shops are crippling small businesses, such as Mr. Books, and acting as a disincentive to business start ups and expansions. I'm quite sure he's had similar exasperated business people from all over the country making the same sort of complaints. To his credit he has passed my letter to someone who has written a lengthy reply outlining the action the government are taking on these issues. Much of this was announced in the Chancellor's Autumn Statement but it's still worth highlighting some of it. It seems that the Department for Communities and Local Government has been clamping down on parking policies of local governments and are about to introduce legislation against aggressive parking policies which will, for example, allow "grace periods" when parking outside shops on double yellows, just like in the old days. An end may be in sight then for situations, and it does happen, like the old man stopping outside the chemists, in the lay by outside my shop only to return to the car a few minutes later with the dreaded Penalty Charge Notice stuck on his windscreen after the lurking parking warden has done his dirty work. Let's hope so. Other measures mentioned in the reply were the confirmation of the £1,000 discount for two years of all retailers in shops with a rateable value of less than £50,000. So that would be most small shops on Tonbridge High Street but not, say, Waitrose and other supermarkets and probably not, say, the Oriental Buffet and Starbucks, who might fall just outside. The smallest of businesses with shop premises will have their rate relief doubled for a further period and this, effectively, means that they will pay no business rates. This was the case in my smaller older shop on Bank Street for example. Furthermore, businesses reoccupying a vacant premises will automatically receive rate relief of 50% for 18 months.This would apply to quite a few of the premises in the shopping arcades at the south end of the High Street and the boarded up unit at the end of Church Lane. Opportunities therefore are perhaps being created for such people with an entrepreneurial streak. The reply from Mr. Pickles department also confirmed that local authorities have wide ranging powers of discretion to grant business rates discounts "as they see fit." So, in theory at least, they ought to be able to offer increased relief to say butchers, bakers and, er hum, bookshops but not, say mobile phone shops. The only thing is that Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council seem to be interpreting these discretionary powers under the Localism Act 2011 (which I'm sure everyone has read!) in a completely different way to those for which they appear to have been intended. The only way I'm aware of businesses getting further business rate relief, over and above statutory ones, are by applying for a "Hardship Relief" which is, effectively, means tested and very involved. So what is happening to the money set aside for this extra rate relief intended as a stimulus to the High Street? Search me! Perhaps a spokesperson for the borough council would care to elaborate....
Small Biz Uk??
Well Small Business Saturday came and went with a bit of a fizzle. I honestly can't say that I noticed any uplift in trade whatsoever. Might take a few years to catch on. Perhaps it was more successful in other towns. Another great American idea which us Brits aren't quite ready for? They're also trying to make Black Friday and Cyber Monday British traditions along with Halloween which has already caught in in a big way. Will they catch on here? Time will tell but my money's on Yes they will. The likes of Walmart, who are behind such retail schemes, have very deep pockets indeed....
Friday, December 6, 2013
Tomorrow is Small Business Saturday....
I'm sure that you all knew this already but just in case you didn't. TOMORROW IS SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY. What does this mean? Well you can of course read more about it in a Guardian article here. But basically it is what it says. It encourages the public to go into their local town centres and buy from small retailers and other businesses. Naturally, they did it in America first where it has been successful for a couple of years already. Apparently that opposition shadow minister fella, Chuka Umunna, who's out to make a name for himself, was astute enough to bring it over the pond. TonbridgeBlog has always of course been a great supporter of all things local so is right behind this one. I just hope every independent shop (including mine of course) sees a huge surge in business tomorrow. I keep saying this I know, but it is perfectly possible to do ALL your Christmas shopping right here in your home town. Save petrol, save time and save your local community shops while you're at it....
Thanks George, that's Grand....
As I read it George Osborne yesterday gave the High Street a shot in the arm. If I am getting this right, and I think I am, he gifted me £1,000 a year for two years as a discount on my business rates. Effectively that's straight in my back pocket and therefore very welcome. Don't underestimate the impact of this measure for small retailers; in my case that's over a third reduction in rates. I'd love to see them removed all together for a period of time, that would be a massive boost to high streets everywhere, but I'll take this for now. The Chancellor went further and said in his Autumn Statement that retailers taking up vacant shop units would have business rates halved and that there is to be a review of the whole business rates structure. And not before time; it may be too late for some enterprises who will have found life too hard these last few years and will have given up the ghost but for new kids on the block these are encouraging signs. There's probably never been a better time to start a business if you have an idea or have found a gap in the market. Commercial rents are pretty low and business rates are becoming lower. As far as shops are concerned TonbridgeBlog predicts opportunities in the High Street for a men's fashion shop, a gadget style shop, a traditional sweet shop, artisan baker, camera shop and an electrical retailer....
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Pursued by Bishops....
Bishop James Langstaff, The Bishop of Rochester, paid Slade Primary School a rare visit earlier this week. TonbridgeBlog is reliably informed that he took the assembly, told the children about Advent and enjoyed a sneak preview of the Nativity play.....
Bishop James (back row) standing with the children and staff at Slade last Monday. Who's the lad with the cool shades?! |
Saturday, November 30, 2013
If only dogs could drive!
Thought I'd share with you a rather unusual, but charming, explanation as to why one of the many deliveries of books I receive is running a bit late. There's certainly a few odd balls in the book trade and I can feel myself turning into one of them by the day!
"Hello M.,
Firstly, thanks again for your order for A Fight For A Life. The Story Of A West African Convert And His Friends by Frances M. Hensley which is already on the way to you, this being merely a note to confirm when you should be in receipt. I would appreciate your feedback and confirmation that it reaches you in good order. You should receive this by Monday, 9th of December 2013 at the latest and I will check in with you after that date to ensure it has been received and meets your expectations.
May I also apologise, profusely, for the delay in shipping your book. I am a one man operation and sometimes it is simply not possible for me to get to my, rather remote, storage unit quickly enough. Not my usual service I can assure you, but until I have minions, or the Jack Russells master the art of driving or serving customers properly this does, occasionally, happen. If I can be of any further assistance don't hesitate to contact me. Any questions can be directed to me by replying to this email. I take customer service seriously and if you are unhappy in any way, please, tell me - I am always trying to improve my service to keep customers coming back... and my Jack Russells in the lavish lifestyle to which they have become accustomed.
Kind regards,
David Gower-Spence, Owner.
BookLovers of Bath"
"Hello M.,
Firstly, thanks again for your order for A Fight For A Life. The Story Of A West African Convert And His Friends by Frances M. Hensley which is already on the way to you, this being merely a note to confirm when you should be in receipt. I would appreciate your feedback and confirmation that it reaches you in good order. You should receive this by Monday, 9th of December 2013 at the latest and I will check in with you after that date to ensure it has been received and meets your expectations.
May I also apologise, profusely, for the delay in shipping your book. I am a one man operation and sometimes it is simply not possible for me to get to my, rather remote, storage unit quickly enough. Not my usual service I can assure you, but until I have minions, or the Jack Russells master the art of driving or serving customers properly this does, occasionally, happen. If I can be of any further assistance don't hesitate to contact me. Any questions can be directed to me by replying to this email. I take customer service seriously and if you are unhappy in any way, please, tell me - I am always trying to improve my service to keep customers coming back... and my Jack Russells in the lavish lifestyle to which they have become accustomed.
Kind regards,
David Gower-Spence, Owner.
BookLovers of Bath"
Thursday, November 28, 2013
The Magnificent Tonbridge Christmas Lights Switch On and Fireworks Extravaganza....
....Sorry I missed it!
I was doing a book fair in Dorking. I did hear the music and fireworks when I got back. You couldn't not hear them from anywhere in the town! Hope everyone enjoyed it and no doubt the local paper will have lots of lovely pictures....
I was doing a book fair in Dorking. I did hear the music and fireworks when I got back. You couldn't not hear them from anywhere in the town! Hope everyone enjoyed it and no doubt the local paper will have lots of lovely pictures....
Russian Roulette....
Tonbridge's Anthony Horowitz fans will remember queuing up outside Mr. Books on a cold afternoon back in February. They will almost certainly also already know that his new book, Russian Roulette, which was actually being written at the time of his book signing here, is in the shops and available to order from Mr. Books. Anthony's assistant has just mentioned to me that he will be talking to fans at the St. James Theatre in London on Sat. December 7th at 11am. Some tickets are still available if you're quick....
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Anthony Horowitz and a nervous looking Mr. Books at February Book signing |
Friday, November 22, 2013
Hans Christian Andersen's tales alive at Mr. Books!...
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The picture doesn't do it justice. Come and see for yourselves |
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That Raven is watching you! |
And here it is the pictures you've all been waiting for..... The new Mr. Books window display. Very Christmasy? Well sort of but actually with some very dark undertones. It's loosely based on the story of The Snow Queen which, as I'm sure you all know, is a Hans Christian Andersen Fairy Story which tells a moral story of the fight between good and evil. You know the usual kind of folk lore stuff. It looks far better when you see it live so come and have a look when you're passing. No, make that come and have a look by dropping everything and making a special trip tomorrow!
Mrs. Books can be proud of her creation I hope you will all agree. In fact I think I might start hiring her out!...
An Entrepreneur at Work!....
A rare photo of Yours Truly taken by someone who came into my shop calling himself "Schubert" which I think is his made up photographer arty name and not his real name, who wanted to shoot me for a series he's doing called "Entrepreneurs at Work." for a photo web site called blipfoto. Not the most flattering picture I've ever seen of myself but pretty natural none the less so I quite like it. I like the sound of "entrepreneur" as well. Never really thought of myself as that....
The Snow Queen....
Like all great fairy tales The Snow Queen is a story of good triumphing over evil. It tells how the innocence of a little girl saves her little boy friend from certain damnation after his heart has become corrupted by the evil from a shattered magic mirror. What's this got to do with anything? Come and have a look at the latest window display at Mr. Books Bookshop to find out!...
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Egg Head |
Caught in the sites |
School Report....
Slade Primary School are the only primary school right at the heart of Tonbridge. I have a special interest in them as my daughter went there from years 3 to 6. The motto of Best Team Happy may not be some age old Latin phrase but it typifies the ethos of the school. Mrs. Resch who has been Head Teacher there since 1999 has had a huge influence on the school. As a front person for a school they don't come much better for first and indeed lasting impressions. The only thing is, even though I've known her for seven or eight years now, both through the school and socially, I still find it hard to call her Vivienne. I can't put my finger on why other than that's just what you do where teachers are concerned, even with someone as warm as she is . So, Mrs. Resch is what I shall continue to call her. Best Team Happy is what they are all about and it shows. Right from day one the children learn that they should do their best, work together and be happy themselves and help others be happy around them. As an ethos for a school goes it's not a bad one is it. So imagine how flattered I was when Mrs. Resch walked into Mr. Books a couple of weeks ago and asked if I would help them out with their public relations to enable them to reach out more to the community and tell them what the school is all about.....
The Week ahead....
What's happening this week? Any events going on that you'd like to share with the people of Tonbridge on TonbridgeBlog?
Up and down the High Street nearly all the shops have their Christmas windows dressed and Mr. Books will be doing the same later in the week. Consultant Creative Director, sometimes known as Mrs. Books, promises that it could be her best yet and, knowing what she has planned for it, I think she could be right. You'll have to wait and see....
Up and down the High Street nearly all the shops have their Christmas windows dressed and Mr. Books will be doing the same later in the week. Consultant Creative Director, sometimes known as Mrs. Books, promises that it could be her best yet and, knowing what she has planned for it, I think she could be right. You'll have to wait and see....
Saturday, November 16, 2013
BOok ArT attack....
A while ago I wrote to the schools in Tonbridge asking if they'd like to take part in a "Book Art" competition for a bit of fun (and some book token prizes.) For a while I thought that no one had received my email and I put the idea away as another one of my whims. Then, right on deadline, two schools' art teachers arrive with bundles of beautiful book art of all descriptions. The brief was pretty wide open and was to come up with a unique piece of art which, in some way, involved books. I knew that the interpretations would be wonderfully varied and so it proved. We've only had entrants from Hillview and Hayesbrook so far so come on Judd, Hugh Christie, Weald of Kent and TGS. Maybe it'll be too late for this year unless you're very quick but it could be back next year by popular demand. Here's a few of the entries sitting in the window at Mr. Books where they'll be on display for about a week....
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Gary Bunt: Artist....

Apparently Tonbridge artist Gary Bunt's paintings sell for quite a sum these days. Good luck to the guy as he fought a well publicized long fight with cancer some years back. I'm not sure I'd pay thousands for any of these but I do really like several of them. Lowry-esque with a hint of Beryl Cook thrown in for good measure. See what you think here
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Tonbridge Tree Huggers....
Nick Clegg keeps writing to me even though I was only a member of the Lib Dem party for a year and haven't been for about five years. Now he's banging on about green issues when, as he points out, most Tories on the other side of the Coalition have quietly let it drop. This is what he had to say:
"Dear Mark,
This week I made one of my most important speeches of the year. Miss it? I wouldn’t be surprised: it was on the environment – an issue that used to be the height of fashion across Westminster but has now fallen out of the political vogue.
I met with green groups so that they could hear direct, from me, that the Liberal Democrats are as committed as ever to the green agenda. Back when the Coalition formed, the Conservatives said they wanted this to be the greenest Government ever. We haven’t forgotten and every day we’re holding them to their word.
It doesn’t make for a particularly quiet life in Whitehall. To be honest, I think the Tories find it baffling. They’ve decided that there are no longer votes in green issues because people are too busy worrying about the economy – and they can’t fathom why we still care. And yet last month all of us sat to hear Sir Mark Walport, the Government’s Chief Scientific Advisor, set out the threat of climate change in the plainest possible terms. He said politicians need to stop asking if climate change is happening, or if humans are responsible for it. We need to get on with tackling it. What more do the doubters need?
You would, on this occasion, expect Ed Miliband to get it. He is a former Climate Change Secretary after all. But Labour’s populist promise to temporarily freeze energy bills would be a huge blow to our green commitments. Not only is it a con – with the energy companies bound to hike up prices before and after the freeze – but it would also massively undermine investment in our renewables industry, threatening clean energy and thousands of jobs.
So it’s up to us to keep pushing policies that protect our environment – whether that’s our 5p charge on plastic bags, cutting greenhouse gases, or getting more low carbon cars on our roads.
I’m green because I want to hand on the best world possible to our children and grandchildren – tell me why you’re green too.
Best wishes,
Nick Clegg"
So is he just a sandal wearing namby pamby tree hugging liberal or are these policies still relevant as we come out of one of the worst recessions in centuries? What do you think and does it have any relevance to Tonbridge?...
"Dear Mark,
This week I made one of my most important speeches of the year. Miss it? I wouldn’t be surprised: it was on the environment – an issue that used to be the height of fashion across Westminster but has now fallen out of the political vogue.
I met with green groups so that they could hear direct, from me, that the Liberal Democrats are as committed as ever to the green agenda. Back when the Coalition formed, the Conservatives said they wanted this to be the greenest Government ever. We haven’t forgotten and every day we’re holding them to their word.
It doesn’t make for a particularly quiet life in Whitehall. To be honest, I think the Tories find it baffling. They’ve decided that there are no longer votes in green issues because people are too busy worrying about the economy – and they can’t fathom why we still care. And yet last month all of us sat to hear Sir Mark Walport, the Government’s Chief Scientific Advisor, set out the threat of climate change in the plainest possible terms. He said politicians need to stop asking if climate change is happening, or if humans are responsible for it. We need to get on with tackling it. What more do the doubters need?
You would, on this occasion, expect Ed Miliband to get it. He is a former Climate Change Secretary after all. But Labour’s populist promise to temporarily freeze energy bills would be a huge blow to our green commitments. Not only is it a con – with the energy companies bound to hike up prices before and after the freeze – but it would also massively undermine investment in our renewables industry, threatening clean energy and thousands of jobs.
So it’s up to us to keep pushing policies that protect our environment – whether that’s our 5p charge on plastic bags, cutting greenhouse gases, or getting more low carbon cars on our roads.
I’m green because I want to hand on the best world possible to our children and grandchildren – tell me why you’re green too.
Best wishes,
Nick Clegg"
So is he just a sandal wearing namby pamby tree hugging liberal or are these policies still relevant as we come out of one of the worst recessions in centuries? What do you think and does it have any relevance to Tonbridge?...
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Neither Trick nor Treat....
Walking in south Tonbridge last week I noticed this gem in the window of a house (which shall remain numberless) on Woodfield Road.
"We do not celebrate Halloween in this house
so please do not disturb us"
So are they just miserable people with no sense of what young folk like and no willingness to adapt to modern ways or have they got a good point? Back in my youth they'd have been prime candidates to have their gates lifted (now there's another tale!) if indeed they had any gates to lift....
"We do not celebrate Halloween in this house
so please do not disturb us"
So are they just miserable people with no sense of what young folk like and no willingness to adapt to modern ways or have they got a good point? Back in my youth they'd have been prime candidates to have their gates lifted (now there's another tale!) if indeed they had any gates to lift....
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Tonbridge Books....
Walking with a history lesson sounds good to me. Margaret Beston's poetry always moves me |
About to be reprinted. Just as well as Mr. Books is down to last 3 copies |
Bob Turcan's is a nice enough pictorial guide. Three Chevrons tells us the history of the thousand years of the Clare family -as in the Tonbridge Castle founders if you didn't know |
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Italian cuisne in Orpington anyone?...
Found myself in Orpington last night, for reasons I haven't got time to go into but wanted to mention the restaurant we ended up eating dinner in called Café Medi. Didn't look much from the outside and right on main drag of the High Street nearly put us off. But £12.95 for set priced menu sounded good to me so in we went (not before having walked the whole length of the street and back to see what the choice was.) Let me just say that it was really fabulous not just for the price but fabulous full stop. I think it's a popular place anyway but, if you are ever over that way pay them a visit and you almost certainly won't be disappointed. Apparently the head chef is a bit moody (aren't they all?!) but, hey, if the food's that good who cares so long as he stays in the kitchen! You can see their menu here
Ann Treneman at Mr. Books last Saturday....
And here is Ann Treneman during the book signing event at Mr. Books and standing proudly outside the shop just before.
"It was great of Ann to agree to come along last Saturday and it's not every day that you get The Time Political Sketch Writer, a journalist with such a fabulous reputation in my small independent bookshop in little old Tonbridge," said a thrilled Mr. Books! "Oh and there are still some signed copies left in stock in the shop." He added....
Jane Austen? Hardly recognisable....
I loved this story in The Telegraph about Jane Austen being given the "Katie Price treatment" as her face is to feature on the new £10 note. For a moment I thought it was referring to something else but that part of her anatomy appears not to be in view so I suppose it must be talking about the way she has been 'touched up' to use a photographer's parlance. As many of you will know Jane Austen's family come from around these parts and there is a very active Tonbridge branch of the Jane Austen Society. I'm sure they'll be tickled by the story....
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Friday, October 25, 2013
Will it be 1987 Storms all over again?....
Let's hope not but it could be time to batten down the hatches if weather reports are anything to go by. Are you listening Michael Fish?! Bob Ogley, who found fame by writing In the Wake of the Hurricane and many other Kent history books, will have his pen at the ready!...
Ann Treneman at Mr. Books tomorrow....

"It's a slight departure from Ann's usual political sketches but it's still a great read and is written in her usual deadpan (geddit?) style!" Commented Mr. Books.....
Tonbridge People Power....
Thanks for the masses of comments coming through about the new Angel Centre development it shows that, when there is something major happening in the town, people really do start to get involved. Whether it changes the outcome remains to be seen but a bit of people power often goes a long way....
We pay our taxes: Amazon vs
This is my comment to the boss of Amazon who reckons that they are a benefit to the UK and that they do pay their taxes. Read the article here:
"I didn't hear any mention of the way his company has virtually destroyed the traditional bookshops in the UK and other countries. I didn't hear anything about how they have used tax advantages to undercut prices in order to create a virtual monopoly market for themselves. Use as a very competitive online bookseller. They are the initiative of Gardners Books who are a family run, large wholesaler who supply most of the independent bookshops in the South. Every book, cd or dvd you buy from them is similarly discounted and provides a small commission to your nearest or favourite independent bookshop. Oh and I believe that they do pay fair taxes...."
"I didn't hear any mention of the way his company has virtually destroyed the traditional bookshops in the UK and other countries. I didn't hear anything about how they have used tax advantages to undercut prices in order to create a virtual monopoly market for themselves. Use as a very competitive online bookseller. They are the initiative of Gardners Books who are a family run, large wholesaler who supply most of the independent bookshops in the South. Every book, cd or dvd you buy from them is similarly discounted and provides a small commission to your nearest or favourite independent bookshop. Oh and I believe that they do pay fair taxes...."
Saturday, October 12, 2013
I've just come back from the Regeneration exhibition at the Castle and can confirm that there is indeed great interest in this Sainsbury's project. In fact you'd be forgiven for thinking it was the church Christmas jumble sale there were so many people milling around and trying to get in. A right old scrum going on, so there was, for what is now the last hour of the exhibition. Having now seen the plans I repeat what I said earlier: What's not to like? Considering how busy it was in the Old Council Chambers the staff, who all sported Sainsbury's badges even though most worked for the architects involved, were all very helpful and informative. I probed a bit deeper by asking one of them a few questions about the parking issue, particularly at the proposed cinema, and he said that this had been the number one concern during the weekend's public consultation. He emphasized this by saying that he wished he could hold up a neon sign which says that there would be plenty of parking, in fact far more than there currently is across the two sites. Congestion in the town centre could be another issue but, it seems, parking is covered off. If you like your sports then the facilities at the new leisure centre will be right up your street, much better than the current ones on offer at the Angel Leisure Centre by all accounts. The cinema itself looks like it will be a much needed, state of the art, modern complex and a real asset to the town. Sainsbury's will be, well, a supermarket and a big one at that. You'll be able to buy lots of, er, food and drink in there and there'll be lots of parking right outside. In fact much like any other large super market. It may be the crucial thing so far as dear old Sainsbury's are concerned but, sorry, I just can't get too whooped up about that bit of the project.
I guess the only negative that I can think of, provided they are as good as their word on the parking front, is the loss of Beales which currently is Tonbridge's only department store. But then that might open a door for some other group to move in like M&S or House of Fraser, perhaps even a John Lewis. Overall Tonbridge Blog is very positive about this development and can only see it being a strong stimulus for the town....
I guess the only negative that I can think of, provided they are as good as their word on the parking front, is the loss of Beales which currently is Tonbridge's only department store. But then that might open a door for some other group to move in like M&S or House of Fraser, perhaps even a John Lewis. Overall Tonbridge Blog is very positive about this development and can only see it being a strong stimulus for the town....
New shopping environment, a cinema. What's not to like?...
Quite a few comments coming in on the so called Regeneration of Tonbridge Plans, being exhibited for public consultation at the Castle, which is not surprising since it is likely to be the biggest development in Tonbridge for the next decade or so. The loss of parking seems to be an issue and some are concerned about the effect of shops possibly wanting to move off the High Street into the new units around the Angel development. I've got mixed views on this. On the one hand I can understand fears about the loss of parking spaces but would this really stop shoppers coming into the town? I doubt it will make too much difference. Wouldn't they be more likely to come to Tonbridge if the quality of the shops and the shopping environment were improved? Perhaps we should be thinking about how we improve access into the town by bicycle and public transport as well as by car. I wholeheartedly agree with the suggestion that parking charges should be on exit from the car park. This simple measure would do away with the need to guess how long you were going to stay when buying a ticket and would usually mean shoppers would stay longer. Very simple and very effective. Incidentally it would also do away with the laughable sight of two or three traffic wardens hovering over cars in the Angel car park whose tickets are about to run out. (It happened to me on more than one occasion.) Less revenue from parking fines from the council though so maybe they'll stick with the current crazy system!
A cinema in the town would be a big plus and I for one would support it. Anyone with teenage children will know what an absolute pain it is having to drive over to the Odeon and then back again later in order to make sure they are safe and don't have to walk back to High Brooms across deserted retail parks late at night. So we shouldn't underestimate how good it will be having a cinema. That said it would have to be comfortable, state of the art and not some flea pit....
A cinema in the town would be a big plus and I for one would support it. Anyone with teenage children will know what an absolute pain it is having to drive over to the Odeon and then back again later in order to make sure they are safe and don't have to walk back to High Brooms across deserted retail parks late at night. So we shouldn't underestimate how good it will be having a cinema. That said it would have to be comfortable, state of the art and not some flea pit....
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Tonbridge Town Centre "regeneration"
A note from Tonbridge Civic Society I thought I'd share as the proposed plans are pretty significant for Tonbridge. Plus here's a link to Tonbridge and Malling BC's information about the project
"This note is to give you details of
the Public Exhibition concerning Sainsbury’s and the Council’s plans for the
town centre.
The Exhibition will be held in the Council
Chamber at Tonbridge Castle:
10am to 8pm on Friday 11 October and
10am to 4pm on Saturday 12 October.
We have been informed that the
Exhibition will be set out in two parts, with a common theme of economic
regeneration for the town centre.
will be presenting proposals to develop new facilities including new shops and
restaurants to complement the existing town centre, a new larger Sainsbury’s
supermarket, and a multi-screen cinema.
Council will be displaying its plans for a proposed new leisure and community
centre on Bradford Street car park.
This public exhibition is intended to
provide the opportunity for local residents and businesses to come and see the
proposals and to discuss them with representatives of Sainsbury’s, the Borough
Council and their advisers.
The Council has indicated that
feedback received from the exhibition will be used to refine the plans before
planning applications are submitted."
Anyone got any thoughts on this. Shall we just let Sainsbury's do whatever they like with their our town? Happy to lose Tonbridge's only department store, Beales??..
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
National Poetry Day is this Thurday....
Still some tickets left for National Poetry Day evening of poetry being held at the library this Thursday. Advanced tickets available at Mr. Books at £3 each or take your chances on the door. I think you might even get a glass of wine included in that price so it cannot be bad....
Poetry Society
Forward Arts Foundation
Poetry Society
Forward Arts Foundation
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Real bargains outside Mr. Books for £1....
Mr. Books has been selling loads of books priced at a round pound from outside the shop today. No wonder when you consider what some of them were. For example there were some hardback Terry Pratchett first editions in amongst the usual selection of paperbacks. Some lucky customer just picked up the complete works of George Bernard Shaw for a quid also. It's always worth having a quick browse if you're up this end of town....
Juice Master....
![The Funky Fresh Juice Book [Plus Jute Bag & 7Ibs Book]](
A Mad night....
Feeling very tired this morning. I now realise that getting home and making several energizing juice drinks, Jason Vale Juicemaster-style, with my new juicer machine, having a very late Chinese takeaway (their fault not ours) half a bottle of Pino Grigio whilst watching the first two episodes of Mad Men Series 5 on dvd and then, to cap it all, staying up till 2am to watch 10 Rillington Place, the story of serial killer Reginald Chrisitie does not a good night's kip make!...
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Mr. Books Dilema....
This may sound a bit like a book title but actually this is no joke. Sometimes blogging can be a bit of fun. Sometimes it can be a way of breaking local and even occasional international news. Today I'm getting something off my chest.
I've been getting quite anxious over what to do with Mr. Books now for quite some time. Since moving from around the corner 16 months ago the shop has become a lot busier and, whilst not what I'd call thriving, the move has more than paid for itself. So why be anxious then? Well, you only have to pick up a newspaper or, as is increasing more likely, an i-pad, to see that bookshops have been closing at a rate of aprox. two per week across the country. So you might appreciate that it's not just my dilemma. The thought of struggling by for very little profit for another ten years or so is a little heart breaking. I love what I do but, as I always joke, this is the hardest I've ever worked, for the longest hours and for the least money! That's fine so long as your labour of love is occasionally rewarded. Those rewards are becoming less and less frequent as more and more people buy online, or cheap from supermarkets or, worst of all, down load e-books. Then there's the dreaded charity shops whose proliferation has choked the market still further. The rise of Oxfam Books, a dedicated charity bookshop with over 130 shops and a huge book barn in Huddersfield, might be the final nail in the coffin. There's little point in barking on, as many book dealers do, about how Oxfam pay little or no business rates, (Mr. Books pays around £3,000 a year btw) get all their stock free and have an army of volunteers. Little point really at all as it's all been said lots of times before. In short with all these combined forces it's becoming more and more difficult for it to make any kind of business sense having a bricks and mortar shop. You can only hold back the sea for so long. Eventually, inevitably it will break the defences and come crashing over you. Whilst new book sales have picked up a lot since moving onto the High Street one is still left with the feeling that you are being thrown the scraps from afew groups such as the lovely community minded folk, the older people who aren't computer savvy and those people who still like good old fashioned service. The problem is, and to a large extent I don't blame them, people will generally vote with their pockets and they have more and more opportunities to do so. Consequently the physical High Street bookshop is being hit from all angles and not really being helped very much by anyone. So what would I do instead? Well the obvious choice would be to do what 95% of book dealers do which is to trade online, by catalogue and at book fairs. The London Book Fair I often attend usually earns me more in a day than the shop does in a good week. That with no overheads, no lease agreement, no long term risk. Most book web sites charge around £30 per month and once again, there's no long term commitment. To be honest the only advantage of having a shop, apart from the sheer love of it, is the amount of books which get offered to you means you have constant supply. That said at present my storage is bursting at the seams. The books come in a lot faster than they go out!
The other possibility, and definitely my preferred solution, is to genuinely turn Mr. Books into a community shop with the community having a part share in the business. I haven't thought this through in any great depth yet or, for that matter, costed it out, but it might work something like this: several individuals, societies and interested bodies get together with myself and decide the value of the business, I keep half the business and they the other half between them. It could possibly be turned into a registered charity which becomes non profit making and gets all the benefits enjoyed by these organisations such as huge business rate relief. I myself would provide expertise and still help to run the shop along with volunteers and young work experience people helping out. If anyone is interested in this idea then please do get in touch. I hope it wouldn't be too big an exaggeration if I said that it could help save part of the heart and soul of our little town....
I've been getting quite anxious over what to do with Mr. Books now for quite some time. Since moving from around the corner 16 months ago the shop has become a lot busier and, whilst not what I'd call thriving, the move has more than paid for itself. So why be anxious then? Well, you only have to pick up a newspaper or, as is increasing more likely, an i-pad, to see that bookshops have been closing at a rate of aprox. two per week across the country. So you might appreciate that it's not just my dilemma. The thought of struggling by for very little profit for another ten years or so is a little heart breaking. I love what I do but, as I always joke, this is the hardest I've ever worked, for the longest hours and for the least money! That's fine so long as your labour of love is occasionally rewarded. Those rewards are becoming less and less frequent as more and more people buy online, or cheap from supermarkets or, worst of all, down load e-books. Then there's the dreaded charity shops whose proliferation has choked the market still further. The rise of Oxfam Books, a dedicated charity bookshop with over 130 shops and a huge book barn in Huddersfield, might be the final nail in the coffin. There's little point in barking on, as many book dealers do, about how Oxfam pay little or no business rates, (Mr. Books pays around £3,000 a year btw) get all their stock free and have an army of volunteers. Little point really at all as it's all been said lots of times before. In short with all these combined forces it's becoming more and more difficult for it to make any kind of business sense having a bricks and mortar shop. You can only hold back the sea for so long. Eventually, inevitably it will break the defences and come crashing over you. Whilst new book sales have picked up a lot since moving onto the High Street one is still left with the feeling that you are being thrown the scraps from afew groups such as the lovely community minded folk, the older people who aren't computer savvy and those people who still like good old fashioned service. The problem is, and to a large extent I don't blame them, people will generally vote with their pockets and they have more and more opportunities to do so. Consequently the physical High Street bookshop is being hit from all angles and not really being helped very much by anyone. So what would I do instead? Well the obvious choice would be to do what 95% of book dealers do which is to trade online, by catalogue and at book fairs. The London Book Fair I often attend usually earns me more in a day than the shop does in a good week. That with no overheads, no lease agreement, no long term risk. Most book web sites charge around £30 per month and once again, there's no long term commitment. To be honest the only advantage of having a shop, apart from the sheer love of it, is the amount of books which get offered to you means you have constant supply. That said at present my storage is bursting at the seams. The books come in a lot faster than they go out!
The other possibility, and definitely my preferred solution, is to genuinely turn Mr. Books into a community shop with the community having a part share in the business. I haven't thought this through in any great depth yet or, for that matter, costed it out, but it might work something like this: several individuals, societies and interested bodies get together with myself and decide the value of the business, I keep half the business and they the other half between them. It could possibly be turned into a registered charity which becomes non profit making and gets all the benefits enjoyed by these organisations such as huge business rate relief. I myself would provide expertise and still help to run the shop along with volunteers and young work experience people helping out. If anyone is interested in this idea then please do get in touch. I hope it wouldn't be too big an exaggeration if I said that it could help save part of the heart and soul of our little town....
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