Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Bring me Brian Ashton's head on a plate?...

Not interested in rugby then read no further. England have beaten Ireland in the Six Nations Rugby; I'm not at Twickenham, which is a great shame because the Guinness will never taste better than after a sweet victory like this down at the Barmy Arms on the river. Brian Ashton, England's still relatively new England manager has been given so much stick in the run up to this game that you'd have thought him a complete no hoper, instead of a man who took us to within a centimetre of victory in the World Cup last October versus the mighty South Africa. These critics, who are so desparately keen to get another media scalp, that they loose all scruples really make me want to vomit! I mean it. It was the same with Sam Alladice, the now ex Newcastle manager and it will be the same with Ashton if they get their way. This huge rugby man is a saviour who should not become a martyr (mixed metaphors but you get my meaning!) He doesn't care a toss if he wins the Six Nations this time around, what the hell is the point in peaking three years before the next big prize. Surely this is exactly a time to be making unpopular decisions like dropping firm favourite Wilkinson in favour of a potential new star like Cipriati. Stop sticking the knife in our man Ashton just because he's not from the same media friendly school as many lesser coaches. Give him some space you pundits and let him fulfill his potential over a few years not weeks. Or perhaps we want sexy rugby where we look really good for two years and then get nowhere in the World Cup, the only tournament that really matters these days....

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