Tuesday, January 6, 2009

This town, this Tonbridge....

One recent comment to the last posting about Tonbridge Songs asked was there a Tonbridge flag? I thought that the answer to the question was THIS IS IT! However it seems that with minimal research (ie. I Googled it) that the flag flying above the Castle is actually the arms of the De Clare family, who of course had it built and ruled over Tonbridge town for at least 250 years. So Tonbridge blog can exclusively reveal that I know even less than I thought I knew about the subject; I'm sure that someone out there will be able to enlighten us all though. Still it's probably the nearest we have got to a town flag and to see it flying above our town fills your heart full of love and pride doesn't it; makes you feel like declaring your citizenship and showing your passion for this town, this Tonbridge! Now where's that song sheet....

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