Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Quite a few years ago I had the pleasure of working at the Daily Telegraph, and it was a pleasure and a great experience, in their smart new offices

This is one of the few printable versions of one of the Bawdy Limericks of the curiously named old pervert Count Palmiro Vicarion, which was published in the 1950s and is just as shocking today. I came across this book (no pun intended, ooh er missus, no don't, in a Frankie Howard-style voice!) when some old Tonbridge Juddian asked me to get hold of it for him!!! (There I go again, no stop it!) His name? Even I wouldn't do that to him!
Limerick no. 3
"There was a young lady from Exeter,
So pretty, that men craned their necks at her.
One went so far
As to wave from his car
The disinguishing mark of his sex at her."
Number 99 is a little more graphic so I'll just leave it to the imagination:
"There was a young man from Nantucket,

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