Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Words that sent a tingle down my spine....

A customer in my shop pointed out to me today that there was a superb article by Joseph Connolly, a man after my own heart, in the Telegraph over the w/e and of course you can also read it on the Telegraph web site HERE. No offence to Mr. Connolly, (that's him above) but I hope that I don't look like him in 20 years time. I may not look like him but I'm sure that I already think like him. For me, being a bookseller and all, it was scarily close to my own experiences; especially the bit about why certain types of people like to collect not just books but all sorts of objects. The author has written books on collecting modern fiction first editions and it's amazing how his early days seem to mirror what I'm going through at present. It can be a lonely existence for us book sellers and collectors; in fact most book dealers I meet are also collectors themselves. It's so hard to resist salting away some of those gems which we find in amongst the dusty old boxes found in some old loft or garage, even though we know that unless some of them get sold each week then we simply don't get paid. By God it's an interesting way to not earn a living though. Have a read of the article even if you're not a book lover or collector, but especially if you are. The world would be a much less interesting place without people like Joseph Connolly....

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