Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A hundred grand for a zebra crossing, surely not!...

I wrote to Godfrey Horne nearly one year ago requesting that there should be a pedestrian crossing at the top of Quarry Hill near the bus stops, I've tried to phone him a few times since and have copied him my previous email more recently once. Scroll down to article entitled An accident waiting to happen. Still no reply from Mr. Horne, who apparently represents you and I on Kent County Council; the roads and crossings are part of that brief. This was and still is my understanding of the situation; if I am incorrect then a brief "It's not me, so please speak to so and so...." would have been nice from Godfrey, or is he above all that?. In fact I have heard, from a reasonably reliable source, that in fact this crossing has been looked into and rejected on the basis that it would cost too much. So, what price a child's life? I'm convinced that an accident is waiting to, and will, happen, and I must admit I have a personal interest in this. The figure I heard from this reliable source is that it would cost.... wait for it.... a staggering £100,000 to have a crossing built there. WHAT? Did I hear that right? I didn't ask for a house to be built there, just a simple pelican or even zebra crossing! But yes that is the rough sum of money needed for one. Now accepting that is the case, which I find astounding, is even that amount too much to save just one child crossing the road after a day at school from being flattened by a speeding lorry hurtling down the hill in its haste to make a delivery in Tonbridge. I really hope to God that it never happens; if it does I'm sure that you Godfrey Horne can make the phone call to the child's mother....
PS. How much did KCC spend on the barriers to keep the spectators off the road during Sunday's Tour de France? How many zebra crossings could have been built with that money?

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