Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Le rant about Le Tour roadworks...

I am as excited about the Tour de France passing through the fair town of Tonbridge as the next man but I can't help thinking that the council has got a little carried away with road repairs over the last couple of weeks. Only last week they were carrying out repairs to the top end of the High Street; now I see that they are digging up the road today exactly opposite where they were last week. It beggars belief! Although, I must say, the whole of the route along the A26 to Tunbridge Wells is pot hole city. I'm thinking of sueing the Highways department for new shock absorbers. Did we not know nearly two years ago that Le Tour would be coming to town? Frankly if it needed doing, and it did, why the hell hasn't it been done long before now, or are the international visitors more important than the rest of us?...

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