Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A Peter Petrelli cut please....

knew I should have walked out of Dapper Dan's barbers shop this morning when I tested them by walking through the door and boldly asking them for "a Peter Petrelli" The barber, who was at least ten years younger than me looked at me gone-out, while mentally asking me to let him know who the hell the mystery hair syle belonged to. I wanted a sort of shortish back and sides with a long floppy strand to one side and shorter on the other. (It's alot easier to describe if you just see a picture of him!) I would have liked them to bring back my old dark hair in place of my grey mop, but realised that this would have proved a little trickier. If you don't watch the cult TV programme, Heroes, on a Wednesday night you won't have a clue what I'm talking about and if I explained that Peter Petrelli is the one who is able to mimick the powers of any of the other super heroes he is close to it would only serve to further confuse you. But what did I do instead? I sat down in the chair while the barber gave me a very average, but decent enough trim. It wasn't his fault really and I'm not sure that, if he had know who the Heroes characters were, that the outcome would have been any different, but my instinct was to walk out and I now wished I'd gone with it. If you are a fan of Dapper Dans, or you just don't mind an average trim then no offence. By the way Dennis and his gourgeously tall Aussie (or is she a Kiwi or South African?) left on Friday so will probably be opening up a trendy barbers in the centre of town before too long; let's hope so....

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